Teens should be able to live their dreams!

I know at a young age I think it’s total unfair that teens always get told by their parents,”the dream is impossible. You won’t make it. Don’t be coming back to me saying your right. ” And you know what I say to that I won’t listen. No teens will ever listen. I’m age 17 and I been told this from my mom so many times that I never listened. All I care was taking a step toward to my dream and never looking back. Parents you might as will never have said that even if that happens at least their willing to never give up. Every one of the parents had to be a teen in their day and said that at least by their parents and never listened. Some might of but that’s not what I’m talking about. Keep on and go for it. No matter what. It’s better to try than to not try in life. Keep trying until you make your dreams reality. You can prove to your parents your wrong and your right.

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